
New Works


Martumili News

Warrarnku Ninti (Knowledge of Country) Celebration

Martumili Artists are excited to announce the opening of our next exhibition Kujungka and the Warrarnku Ninti Celebration presented by Martumili Artists and Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa in partnership with Tura. From Fri 5 – Mon 8 July, the Newman Gallery and East Pilbara Arts Centre will be transformed into an immersive audiovisual experience, responding to the uniting theme of kujungka (all together in one).

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Powerhouse Wanti: Celebrating Martumili Women Artists at Moores Building Art Space

It’s a rare and special opportunity to experience a group show featuring solely Martumili Artists in Perth. The recent Powerhouse Wanti (Powerhouse Woman), shown at Moores Building Art Space between May 25th and June 9th, marked such an occasion. The exhibition, presenting a stunning collection of works in celebration of the resilience and strength of Martu women’s culture, was worth the wait!

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Cuppatea with Sarafina Dickie

Sitting down for a cuppa tea today is Sarafina Dickie. Artist, Arts Worker and Mum! Chatting to us from the sunny garden at Martumili Sarafina talks to us about her early life, how she started working at Martumili and how she dreamt her painting sold only to wake up the next day and find out it had!

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‘Following in footsteps’ at Martumili Gallery, Newman, WA.

Many of the works by Martumili artists are representations of Country as defined by familial ties- artists paint “where their family is from and where they belong to” (Kuru Gladys Bidu). One’s Country encompasses their birthplace, and the Country they and their family lived on during the pujiman (traditional, desert dweller) era. Following in footsteps charts this relationship between family walytja and Country.

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Cuppatea with Wendy Nanji

Joining us for a cuppa tea or should I say coffee, is arts worker and artist Wendy Nanji. Wendy has worked in the arts for many years, first with Spinifex Hill Studio in Port Hedland and now with Martumili Artists. Wendy brings with her an infectious smile that cheers everyone up as soon as she walks in the door!

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Volunteering at Martumili Artists

If you’re curious to learn more about Martumili’s volunteer program, read an account from one of our recent volunteers, who very kindly wrote about their experience at our Newman studio in Western Australia.

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Reflection on Christmas Sales past!

Chatting with former Martumili Artists manager, Gabrielle Sullivan, discover the humble beginnings of our now legendary annual Christmas sale, when Martumili Artists’ office space comprised of a single desk in the Shire of East Pilbara’s Council Chambers, and the sale event saw the floors, tables and walls being covered with artworks for three days.

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Cuppatea with Helen Dale Samson

We chatted with Martumili artist Helen Dale Samson in the leadup to the Christmas sale about her exciting recent collaboration with Specsavers Australia for their Fred Hollows project, which has resulted in the production of three gorgeous, limited-edition frame styles featuring her artwork, ’Puntawarri’.

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Martumili Artists warns visitors that our website includes images and artworks of Artists who have passed away which may cause distress to some Indigenous people.

Martumili Artists acknowledges the Nyiyaparli and Martu people as the Traditional Owners of the land we live and work on. We also acknowledge the Traditional Owners throughout our country and our Elders; past, present and emerging.