
New Works


13-191 – Bugai Whyoulter


1 in stock

Bugai Whyoulter

91 x 91cm: acrylic on linen
Year: 2013

Minyarra Punmu – mmm mmm

This painting depicts collecting minyarra (bush onions) in the country around Punmu. Minyarra is one of the Martu peoples favourite bush tucker. They dig them up and then cook them in a waru (fire) for a little bit and then rub them to get the skins off. Punmu is a community that sits on the edge of an important warla (lake) known as Lake Dora. There are lots of important yinta (spring waters) all around Punmu. The lake runs south into the area known as Karlamilyi (Rudall River National Park) Rudall River runs into the bottom of the lake. Parnngurr Community is at the southern end of the Karlamilyi area.

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Martumili Artists warns visitors that our website includes images and artworks of Artists who have passed away which may cause distress to some Indigenous people.

Martumili Artists acknowledges the Nyiyaparli and Martu people as the Traditional Owners of the land we live and work on. We also acknowledge the Traditional Owners throughout our country and our Elders; past, present and emerging.