1 in stock
Corina Jadai
76 x 122 cm: acrylic on canvas
Year: 2023
Reflection of the Sunset
“This painting is a bird’s eye view of the reflection of the sunset on the beach and reef of Enjadine Point, Bidyadanga.”
– Corina Jadai
Bidyadanga Aboriginal Community (La Grange) is located on the Kimberley coast in Western Australia, 1590 kilometres from the capital city of Perth and 180 kilometres from Broome.
The recognised traditional owners of the land are the Karajarri people.
Bidyadanga is the largest remote Aboriginal community in Western Australia with a population of approximately 850 residents and is home to the Karajarri, Juwalinny, Mangala, Nyungamarta and Yulpartja language groups.
Rich in history, art and culture and with a developing economy, Bidyadanga has many community facilities and infrastructure to support community’s people.
The word Bidyadanga comes from a word for “emu watering hole” (pijarta or bidyada).
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